QPS Robotics Challenge
Quincy Public Schools Robotics Challenge
May 20, 2017
Quincy High School
100 Coddington Street
Quincy, MA 02169
Team HYPER hosts its 3rd annual QPS Robotics Challenge for the Quincy Middle & Elementary School FIRST Lego League teams. The competition features an FLL challenge the students have not completed. This year’s game is the 2013 FLL Nature’s Fury Challenge.
What happens when forces of nature harm people and damage property? A natural disaster. In the Nature’s Fury Project, your team will:
- Identify a community that could experience a natural disaster
- Identify a problem that happens when a natural disaster occurs
- Create an innovative solution that helps people prepare, stay safe, or rebuild
- Share your problem and solution with others
We are in need of over 70 volunteers for a variety of roles.
QPSRC 2017 Specific Competition Rules
Nature’s Fury Challenge
Robot Game Updates
Quincy Public Schools Robotics Challenge
May 20, 2017
Quincy High School
100 Coddington Street
Quincy, MA 02169
This event is the showcase of Quincy’s FLL teams. This undertaking is only possible through your support. Thank you so much for your continued support of our CITYWIDE robotics programs in Quincy!
We are in need of over 70 volunteers for a variety of roles. Lunch will be provided.