Can’t believe our 25th build season starts today!
Password: R!$E2geTHeR#2020
FTC teams members playing with programming their robotics for the first time
Team HYPER will be headed up to Revere High School for our second District Event of the 2018 Season.
NE FIRST Greater Boston Event Page
FIRST’s Greater Boston Event Page
Watch the NEFIRST_BLUE Webcast
Team HYPER heads down to Fairfield University for our first District Event of the 2018 Season.
NE FIRST CT Event Page
FIRST’s CT Event Page
Watch the NEFIRST_RED Webcast
Thank you for participating in the SOLIDWORKS Student Sponsorship. We wish your FRC team the best of luck this competition season!
We are very excited to share the SOLIDWORKS #FIRSTPowerUp Kit of Parts with your team! You can access the KOP through the following link:
solidworks.com/FIRSTKOPFor your convenience we created the following videos for your reference.
- How to navigate the SOLIDWORKS FIRST KOP Google Drive: www.solidworks.com/GettingStarted_FIRSTKOP
- FIRST Robotics Field Animation with SOLIDWORKS Visualize: www.solidworks.com/FIRST_Field
Best of luck to your team!
The SOLIDWORKS Education Team
2018 FRC Game Season Manual
Team Drawings
Field Drawings (evergreen)
Field Drawings (FIRST POWER UP specific)
Layout and Marking Diagram
Team HYPER heads down to Bryant University for our second District Event of the 2017 Season.
NE FIRST RI Event Page
FIRST’s RI Event Page
Watch the NEFIRST_RED Webcast